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SmartFit Kids COVID Safety Precaution:


1.  Student sign in, temperature taking, and screening questions are done outside of the building (at the door), students will be asked to stay home if they have symptoms

2.  Upon arrival, students put away their belongings and wash their hands. 

3.  Hand washing is frequent: before and after each meal, art activity, and outdoor activities, and after they sneeze or blow their nose.

4.  The facility is cleaned multiple times throughout the day and mop and disinfect with a disinfectant at the end of each day.

5.  All children and staff must wear masks when at SmartFit Kids except when eating/drinking and when they are doing outdoor physical activities.

6.  Students sit six feet apart.

7. We will go through the COVID safety with the children daily.

8.  Toys, games, equipment, and the whole facility are cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected frequently.

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